Corporate Intimacy

Can you have corporate intimacy? Will human resources or the owners allow it? Is that an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp? This term will make some of you uncomfortable. Not having enough employees is even more uncomfortable. CORPORATE INTIMACY According to the Oct. 27, 2015, issue of Psychology Today, ‘”Intimacy” is a word that we probablyContinue reading “Corporate Intimacy”

Intrapreneurs vs. Entrepreneurs

Are you familiar with the difference between intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs? The key to happiness in your community is for businesses and organizations to get their widget or service out the door. That typically takes people. Automation can help, but you still need people. Supply chains help, but you still need people. If you are goingContinue reading “Intrapreneurs vs. Entrepreneurs”

Elevate Your Engagement

How do you elevate your engagement? I could almost taste it at Live2Lead in Eau Claire and central Wisconsin. People sharing what mattered to them and not just regurgitating the company mission, vision, and values that are tattooed on a wall. Every day employees come into the workplace with what I will call baggage. ItContinue reading “Elevate Your Engagement”

Achieving Diversity with 8 Billion

Achieving Diversity with 8 Billion continued… Achieving diversity is a challenge. One of our in-roads into the talent of Chicago when I was at UW-Platteville was the fact that the Chicago Bears (National Football League) had their pre-season camp in our community. That helped open some doors in the city of Chicago. So did theContinue reading “Achieving Diversity with 8 Billion”

Achieving Diversity with 8 Billion

Achieving diversity, equity and inclusion is a process. Leadership is a process. Anything involving learning and growth is a process. Simon Sinek talks about process in his video, “Love, Relationship and Leadership”. It is not flipping a switch or a point in time you can touch. The process for achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion isContinue reading “Achieving Diversity with 8 Billion”

Leading Through Crisis-6 Elements

Part 3/Leadership Principles-cont. Part 2 Last time I went into some detail the 1) Leadership Is Influence, 2) Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership, and 3) How We View Things is How We Do Things. With those three general leadership principles in mind, what are some of the key elements of leadership during a crisis?Continue reading “Leading Through Crisis-6 Elements”

Leading Through Crisis-Part 2/ Leadership

Part Two of the Leading Through Crisis series There are three general leadership principles that I’d like to share first. It IS important to know throughout this article that we are ALL leaders. Your title is meaningless as it relates to the definition of a leader. The first principle of leadership is… LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCEContinue reading “Leading Through Crisis-Part 2/ Leadership”

Leading Through Crisis

The crisis doesn’t matter with the right leadership. The skills matter. A crisis is a great divider among leaders. By reading this article, you will take another big step toward your own personal and professional growth. “Leading Through Crisis” was designed by John C. Maxwell with you in mind. I hope this is just oneContinue reading “Leading Through Crisis”

7 Amazing Leadership Lessons a Non-Golfer Learned from Golf

Lessons 6 & 7 COUNTING ON COMMITMENT When you make a commitment, you must follow through, especially as a volunteer. That’s even more true in leadership. Others are counting on you, yet still others will often step up. It was sad when volunteers didn’t show up, but fortunately it was rare. It made the jobsContinue reading “7 Amazing Leadership Lessons a Non-Golfer Learned from Golf”